Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Last day of preparation for the Executive Committee meeting in London tomorrow (25th). There will be lots to talk about with all the political activity over the last six weeks or so. Quite a lot of misinformed comment in the papers and the myth of the expulsion of an Argentine population in 1833 has been trotted out again by several writers. Comparisons to Hong Kong haven't helped. The response from the bloggers and commentators on the online articles have been fairly supportive of the Islanders wish to remain independent of Argentina, a position they are entitled to hold under the UN Charter.

Articles by Simon Winchester and Hector Timerman, Argentine Minister for Foreign Relations, in The Times were balanced by a Times Leader entitled 'Consent v Colonialism' and a strong piece by Douglas Hague on 21st January entitled 'Islanders must be masters of their own fate'. January is supposed to be a quiet time down south when the politicians take their summer holiday so hopefully things will quieten down for a while but perhaps I am hoping for too much.

I can recommend a good online treatment of the history of the Falklands which you will find at Falklands Time Line

Plans for a members visit to Kew have hit a problem in that the date set is 25th April which is OK but they want numbers by the 2nd April. As the Newsletter, which will contain the booking form doesn't usually hit the streets until 2nd April will present a challenge. We may be able to push the publication date back into March but no decision has been made yet - watch this space.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

I am looking forward to receiving copies of a new book "Diddle Dee to Wire Gates - A Dictionary of Falklands Vocabulary" compiled and written by the late Jane Cameron (Government Archivist), Sally Blake and Joan Spruce. Just published in the Falkland Islands it is a dictionary of Falklands words and expressions which are no longer used or are going rapidly out of use. Selling at £10, with all profits going to The Jane & Alastair Cameron Memorial Trust, (Stanley), copies should be available from the FIA office at 14 Broadway, Westminster, London (cheques to the Falkland Islands Association). If you are unable to call at the office they can be sent by post just add £2.50 p&p (UK) or £2.50 p&p (EU).

Already selling well in the Falkland Islands I should have copies by 25th January 2012.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Thanks to Doug Lapsley the website is up to date with a report on the AGM and Battle Day ceremony plus an album of photographs ( http://fiassociation.com/ ).

I have discovered 'The Falkland Islands - History & Timeline' website which gives an excellent if lengthy history of the Falkland Islands. Researched from internet sources by Roger Lorton it makes interesting reading and can be found at http://falklandstimeline.wordpress.com

Thinking about my piece in the next Newsletter due out in April. We are hoping to organise a visit to Kew this year as a follow up to last year's visit to the Millenium Seed Bank.