Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Now that the flow of incoming subscriptions for 2012/13 has eased I have made a start on a task long overdue - checking on members who did not pay their subscription last year and have discovered that several are long overdue. The Newsletters are not being returned so I assume they (or someone) are still getting their copy or there are piles of Newsletters in empty houses throught the world. A gentle letter will have to be sent but I have one problem in that some Bankers Order that appear on the bank statements have insufficient information to identify the subscriber so one or two of the unpaid on the list will be able to put me right - in a friendly way I hope.

Another task this summer, before I get down to Battle Day planning, is the review of subscription rates for the FIA. Our rates were first fixed in 1982 at £10 for members, £5 for Associate members (students and seniors). The £10 subscription was increased to £15 in March 1989, the associate rate staying the same. With ever rising postal costs the £5 rate just covers the costs of printing and mailing within the UK whilst copies going overseas cost more than the subscription a situation that cannot be allowed to continue - whilst we welcome support from our overseas members we cannot expect full price members to subsidise the associate member overseas. Our membership suscriptions should be set at a level to pay for the two Newsletters and postage charges with something left over to run the Association. The next Executive Committee meeting and the following AGM may be difficult if this subject gets a proper airing. This is a difficult time to suggest an increase but 30 years at the same rate!

Whilst I am bogged down with routine matters things move on on the political front with the announcement by the Falkland Islands Government that a referendum on their future will take place in early 2013. Some strange reactions in the press suggesting that it was the UK Government's idea and several saying this is the first time it has happened ignoring the November 1994 poll that rejected the idea of an Argentine buyout.

Off to London tomorrow for the FIG Reception at Lincoln's Inn - numbers are up this year following the increase publicity as it is the 30th anniversary of the liberation of the Islands. As we meet in London President Kirchner will be at the UN to berate the C24 Decolonisation Committee and the Falkland Island representatives on how she hopes to colonise the Falkland Islands. Interesting times.